We are happy to announce the online publication of the fourth issue of Compaso – Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology. The issue publishes a variety of sociological and anthropological examples of the ways in which argumentation work develops during and after research.
You are kindly invited to read and comment on the articles, which are available at the following addresses:
Issue 2 / 2011: Empirical evidence- varieties of sociological argumentation
Volume 2, Number 2, November 2011
Invited commentary
Ionela Băluță / Fermeture sociale, différence et diversité: des enjeux identitaires
Research articles
Ana Maria Borlescu / Being a homeopath. Learning and practice in a homeopathic community
Iulia Gheorghiu / Truth or story or true story? The self in the interview situation
Andrada-Mihaela Istrate / From pathological to professional: gambling stories
Andreea Lazăr / Transnational migration studies. Reframing sociological imagination and research
Ștefania Matei / Media and migration. Layers of knowledge in Romanian written press
Bogdan Mihai Radu / Parental involvement in schools. A study of resources, mobilization, and inherent inequality
Cătălin Pavel / Rational choice in field archaelology
Book reviews
Simona Ciotlăuș / Matthew Engelke (ed.), 2009, The Objects of Evidence. Anthropological approaches to the production of knowledge
Andra Letiția Jacob Larionescu / Bauman, Zygmunt, 2011, Culture in a Liquid Modern World, Cambridge and Malden, Polity
Lecture reviews
Alin Croitoru / Carl Christian von Weizsäcker, 2011, Homo Oeconomicus Adaptivus