Call for Papers: Doing Things with Stories

Deadline for manuscript submission: September 15, 2014

Expected date for volume publication (online): December 30, 2014

Send articles, research notes, essays, and book reviews to:

The Mock Turtle's Story in Alice in Wonderland, by Mabel Lucie Attwell

It’s story time…

We tell, listen, and engage with stories at bedtime, in scholarly articles, when fighting, when flirting, while selling things or ideas, and in so many other occasions.  Stories formulate versions of reality and persuade others and ourselves.

We invite articles, research notes, and biographical essays that reflect on how we do things with stories in various places and times, paying attention to their productive and transformative power when applied to people, things, relationships, and time, among others.

Authors may address some of the following questions and related topics of interest:

  • How do people use stories in interaction, and to what effect? How are stories useful for managing social situations, in various institutional settings – from doctor-patient interactions to sales or job interviews and Facebook posts?
  • How do stories transform things, granting them added power or diminishing their force? When and to what effect do people tell stories about objects?
  • How do we use stories as resources for other creations, from scientific articles to digital games?
  • Last but not least, what do we accomplish, as scholars, by minding stories, inciting them, analyzing them, and using them to organize scientific accounts?

This Call for Papers is supported by the research project “Sociological imagination and disciplinary orientation in applied social research”, with the financial support of ANCS / UEFISCDI with grant no. PN-II-RU-TE-2011-3-0143, contract 14/28.10.2011.